Implement a CSS preprocessor into Statie project

The most important part of a web page is its content. And I think that every web page content deserves to have some look. Take a look at how to implement Less preprocessor into Statie project built with gulp-based workflow.

In the previous post I showed a convenient way of browser live reloading at every change made in source files of Statie project. To make it even better we can add a gulp task for processing the CSS, so every change made in the styles will be immediately presented in the browser.

I often use a preprocessor to not get a headache with working with CSS. There are several popular tools ready for use: Sass, Less and Stylus.

My chosen one is Less, but you can use whatever one is suitable for you. The process of addition would be the same.

Now, let's add it to our project and integrate it into the generating workflow.


Add a package that can work with Less:

$ npm install --save-dev gulp-less

Prepare a function which will be used later in the default gulp task. Do not forget to require the package in the head of your gulpfile.js.

var less = require('gulp-less');

function styles() {
  return gulp

Do you see that in the last pipe? [It tells Browsersync][3] to reload at the time when compiling is finished.

Put pieces together

Now we need to add this function to the default gulp task, and also edit the watch() function - we don't want to generate new content when *.less files were changed, but instead create new styles.

Here is the final version of gulpfile.js - original code from the previous post with new changes. You can check what is new or updated:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var run = require('gulp-run');
var less = require('gulp-less'); // added
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();

gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel(styles, generate, watch)); // updated

// added
function styles() {
  return gulp

function generate() {
  return run('vendor/bin/statie generate').exec();

function reload(done) {

function watch() {
    server: 'output',
  });'source/**/*.less', styles); // added['source/**/*', '!source/less/**/*'], gulp.series(generate, reload)); // updated

Check the example project that uses Statie and gulp-driven workflow.


Automation rules the development, right? Statie, gulp and Less, what a pleasure to create something great.

Some additional thoughts on improvement:

  • You can deal with javascript in the same way as with Less styles, just create a new function for that and edit the watch function and gulp task.
  • You can also add a different task to build production-ready code (minification, media queries grouping, etc.) - as I did. Have a look at the gulpfile.js of this site.